

加州州立大学, Los Angeles encourages the campus community to immediately report crimes or suspicious activity to the University Police Department to help maintain the safest possible environment for students, 教师, 工作人员, 和游客.

根据珍妮·克莱里法案, the University is required to compile 和 publish crime statistics in an 年度保安报告. 作为这项义务的一部分, members of the University’s community who are considered to be Campus Security Authorities are required to report crimes for inclusion as statistics in the University’s 年度保安报告.

To report all campus related criminal incidents, fill out the following web form: 校园安全部门 & 事故报告.

或填写以下PDF文件,并发送电子邮件至 (电子邮件保护)(电子邮件保护): 校园安全部门 & 事故报告(PDF)

校园保安局, 或CSA, 是一个包含某些部门的非常具体的术语吗, groups 和 individual 加州大学洛杉矶分校 employees who have a duty to report crimes they become aware of, 《足彩外围网站》的定义. The intent of 包括 non-law enforcement personnel in the role of a CSA is to acknowledge that some community members 和 students in particular may be hesitant about reporting crimes to the police, but may be more inclined to report incidents to other campus-affiliated individuals.

克莱利法案要求足彩外围网站提供 年度保安及消防安全报告. 作为这项义务的一部分, members of the University’s community who are considered to be 辅导 are required to report crimes that occur on campus, 在住宅中, other university owned property 和 some public properties adjacent to campus. Reported crimes are used to compile statistics in the University’s 年度保安及消防安全报告, 每年十月初发行的.

csa通常在负责, 但不限于, 学生及校园活动, 安全/安全, 纪律, 住房, 体育运动, 人力资源或司法程序. This designation also includes any individual who has been specifically identified by 加州州立大学, 洛杉矶接收和报告违法行为.


  • 大学警察局宣誓人员和部门行政人员.
  • 负责校园安全的办公室非警察人员. These 辅导 have security presence or access control authority on university property, 包括, 但不限于, 保安人员, 校园停车执法人员, 学生巡逻人员, 体育赛事的安保人员, 以及学生证检查器.
  • The Officials with significant responsibility for 学生及校园活动 category is defined broadly to ensure complete coverage 和 thorough reporting of crimes. 确定哪些个人或组织是csa, 考虑与学生有关系的工作. 寻找官员(i).e.(不是后勤人员),他们的职能涉及与学生的关系. An Official is defined as any person who has the authority 和 the duty to take action or respond to particular issues on behalf of the University. If someone has significant responsibility for 学生及校园活动, he or she is a CSA. 这类csa的一些示例包括, 但不限于院长, 学生事务专业人员, 学生宿舍工作人员, 体育主任/助理主任, 教练, 学生活动协调员, 学生司法人员, 以及学生组织的教职员工顾问.
  • Any individual or organization specified in an institution's 声明 of campus security policy as an individual or organization to which students 和 employees should report criminal offenses (University Police / 第九条 Coordinator).

The following offenses are Clery Act crimes 和 are required by law to be reported by 辅导 致大学警察:

  • 杀人
  • 性犯罪
  • 抢劫
  • 加重攻击罪
  • 入室盗窃
  • 机动车辆盗窃
  • 家庭暴力
  • 约会暴力
  • 跟踪
  • 纵火
  • 酒类违法行为
  • 违反禁毒法的行为
  • 违反武器法
  • 仇恨/偏见犯罪

这些罪行的定义可以在这里找到: 民事诉讼法罪行定义(PDF)

无论你的身份是CSA还是非CSA, all campus community members are encouraged to promptly report all campus related criminal incidents, 以及其他与公共安全有关的突发事件, 致大学警察. 当有人报案时, the CSA should always first h和le an emergency by calling University Police at 323-343-3700, 通过拨打911, or by use of a “Blue Light” Emergency Phone which are located throughout the campus.

如果不是紧急情况, the CSA should ask the individual reporting the crime if they would like to report the incident 致大学警察. 如果有的话, then the CSA should coordinate reporting 和 contact University Police by phone or in person at the 公共安全部, 位于校园南端1号停车场. cssa也可以填写并提交一份 校园安全部门 & 事故报告表. The completed form is then forwarded to the University Police Department to the attention of the Chief of Police.

辅导 are encouraged to use the following 声明 when speaking with the crime reporting party:

"As part of my position on campus, I am a federally m和ated crime reporter for the University. I am required to report this incident 致大学警察 for data gathering. 如果你要求保密, 报告表将不包括你的名字, 或者其他相关的人. 我的报告只会包含你提供的信息. 你有什么问题吗? 你能帮我填一下吗?"

如上文CSA所述 声明, the CSA should explain that they are a federally m和ated crime reporter 和 are required to submit a crime report for statistical purposes 和 that the crime report can be submitted without identifying the reporting party 和/or victim if the reporting party would like to remain anonymous.

If the CSA has firsth和 knowledge 和 confirmation that the reporting party has already filed a police report with University Police, then they are not obligated to contact University Police or submit a Crime & 事故报告表. 然而, if the reporting party says they will file a police report with University Police, leaving the CSA with no firsth和 knowledge 和 confirmation that a police report was filed, then the CSA must report the crime by contacting University Police directly or by submitting a CSA Crime & 事故报告表.

如果举报的犯罪是善意的, meaning that there is reasonable basis for believing that the information is not rumor or hearsay, 那么犯罪是可以报告的. 辅导, 与报告方互动时, need to gather incident information that would provide sufficient detail to properly classify the incident. This means 辅导 need to document reporting party responses or lack thereof. Reporting party identifying information should only be included in the Crime & 如报告方愿意提供,请提供事故报告表. 辅导 should not investigate the crime or attempt to determine whether a crime, in fact, took place. 如有疑问,应填写并提交报告表格.

The requirements for reporting crimes under the Clery Act are contained in The H和book for 校园安全 和 Security (2016) prepared by the U.S. 教育部,可以在 http://www2.ed.gov /管理员/领导/Safety/手册.pdf.