Meet the VP

女王E. 王


Headshot of 女王E. 王

Queen’s 20+ year career has focused on financial reporting, accounting, 审计, 税, 预算, and process improvements and systems implementation. She has worked for the 基督教社会联盟 for seven years.

女王E. 王 has served as interim Vice President & Chief Financial Officer (CFO) since April 2023. In March 2023, she began her career at CalState LA as senior associate vice president of administration and finance. Queen’s responsibilities include 预算 (预算, compliance, planning & 分析), financial services (controller’s office, accounts payable, 旅行, student financial service, one stop shop), business services (procurement and contracts, distribution/mail center, inventory/asset management, operations planning & management), facilities, planning and construction, risk management and environmental health and safety, information technology, university policy and public safety, human resources, internal 审计, university auxiliary services, and the staff working group for diversity, 股本, 包容, and belonging. 

女王E. 王 began her career in higher education at California State University, Bakersfield (基督教社会联盟B). 在基督教社会联盟B, she served as Associate Controller Auxiliary and Payment Services, University Controller & Senior Director of Financial Services, and Associate Vice President – Financial Services & Chief Accounting Officer. 在基督教社会联盟B, Queen was responsible for financial reporting, accounting, 审计, 税, and 预算 for the university and its auxiliaries. She advised the university and auxiliaries in financial matters impacting operations to comply with state, 基督教社会联盟, and campus policies. The auxiliaries include Associated 学生, Inc. (student governance), Foundation (philanthropic), Sponsored Programs Administration (research and grants), and Student-Centered Enterprises, Inc (student union, student recreation, 住房, and children’s center). She also provided support services to athletics and campus facilities, capital design, and construction in the areas of business and finance. She previously led the university 预算 office, procurement, payment services, and financial aid. Prior to joining California State University Bakersfield, Queen worked in Corporate America, healthcare, and public accounting in various staff and management roles.

Queen has served as chair, vice-chair, and secretary of the California State University (基督教社会联盟) Financial Officer’s Association (FOA). She has previously served as chair and vice-chair and member of the 基督教社会联盟 Business Conference Planning Committee and on the systemwide 基督教社会联盟 Concur governance committee. Queen was a 2020-2021 participant of the Western Association of College Business Officers (WACUBO) mentoring program for aspiring chief business officers and chief financial officers. 在基督教社会联盟B, she was awarded the Going Above and Beyond award from 基督教社会联盟B’s division of student affairs. 目前, Queen serves on Western Association of College and University Business Officer’s (WACUBO) professional development committee, and WACUBO’s 2023 and 2024 conference committees. 

Queen earned her Bachelor’s in Accounting & International Business and Master’s in Accountancy from Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville (SIUE). She also earned a certificate in management and leadership from University of California, Los Angeles. She is currently a doctoral candidate in higher education leadership at Maryville University.